Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Art As A Life

My Love for the Arts never stop by just spending time home composing music and doing some sketches on paper. I even enrolled: for me to learn how to paint on canvass. Western Mindanao State University (Zamboanga City) offers a one semester lecture and hands-on for Visual Arts enthusiasts. It's a Non-Formal Education, I enrolled. I learned a lot, and made some paintings on canvass. My works was left in our house in Zamboanga. And by the time working at Star Appliance Inc., computer generated imagery (CGI) was slowly introduced and used by photographers and visual artists alike. I spent most of my time to learn how to and read some materials about computer graphics. The last time i was in front of a personal computer was in college; using pascal and autocad 2DB in 1998. Whew! I have this friend who worked at one PC Store in Megamall. Mr. Francis Fantone. I asked him if he could introduce me once again to use PC as medium for music and arts, and he agreed. Since then, i explore every free tutorials and hands-on from friends to rediscover myself using new medium for new millenium.

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