Thursday, December 08, 2011

Mindoro Blood Rooted

From the start, what we always wanted is to provide something that everyone can be proud of.

Mere souvenirs can be less of an importance if it only signifies colours and grandiose line segments.

'Nativus Mindorensis' team wanted to provide exemplary design that talks, has its own sentence and paragraphs in its own and can uplift individual's spirit gaining love and concern for their motherland; MINDORO.

Blood Rooted! is a definitive summary of oneself.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Agbiliwa : Mindoro Occidental

Agbiliwa for Yuletide season is now open. That's according to what I've heard; that they will start on 15th of November. Unfortunately, it drizzles today... and i don't know how it is welcomed by local community.

The season of Agbiliwa in San Jose, Mindoro happens a month before- approaching May 1 as the town celebrates their fiesta and every 2nd week of November to 1st week of January.

It has been since then a showcase of products: foods, furniture, carvings, native products, plants, clothing and souvenirs. Our product, Mindoro Souvenir Shirt branded as "Nativus Mindorensis" don't normally join the booths selling bits and pieces; instead, we have a place at domestic airport where all the displays are.

Please find time to visit Mindoro Occidental and enjoy our humble homeland. Hospitality, that's surely what we can offer to every guest, more than diving our sea and mesmerize on our landscapes. A five star hotels, a grandeur resorts, a theme park, large dancing halls for nightlife... we don't have that much.

What we want to offer is a situation where you'll be back to nature and it's natural ecosystem.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mindoro Souvenir Shirts

A typical I LOVE series of souvenir shirts almost in every places. This is from Mindoro island, the 7th largest in the Philippines and this design has it all... basic eyecatching colors and an easy to read text. The use of male and female icon is used to suggest that this is for everyone. Mindoro is divided into two parts; Occidental and Oriental and some islets as part of either both. The heart is larger than the MINDORO map to simply say that we all have accepted the island as a whole.

More Designs on Facebook! Please add friend Nativus Mindorensis and like our page 'Mindoro Souvenir Shirt : Nativus Mindorensis'.

"Buy From Local Community To Support Our Art and Culture"


Thank You :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mindoro Souvenir

Mindoro Island is the 7th largest island in the Philippines!
Composed of two provinces divided into Oriental and Occidental.

Welcome to San Jose, Mindoro!

If you have just landed, please don't forget to check "Occidental Mindoro Pasalubong Centre" for products and souvenirs.

We at 'Nativus Mindorensis' would like to greet you Mabuhay!

...Souvenirs! Souvenirs! Souvenirs!

Nativus Mindorensis souvenir shirt is one of the island's pride.It is an everyday shirt printed with designs and slogan to remember your special moments spent here in the island. Every Design is an epic! Minimalist, Naive, Subliminal, Flora and Fauna is the heart of our art expo. From there, basic colours are applied and simplicity of an artistry catches everyone's interest.

Nativus Mindorensis is one of the most loved souvenir (from here) among individuals from all over.

We have our display at Domestic Airport. Look for Tess Salomon.
To our townfolks, we have a space at San Jose town plaza where trade fair is being held. Look for Giebet Artwoks.
And if you happen to visit Grace Island in Ambulong, we have items there too.

Enjoy your stay!
Nativus Mindorensis Team

Friday, April 09, 2010

Business Location

Stall #20, Municipal Gym Compound, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro 5100

Ever since... I was a li'l nomad when it comes to where my shop would really be. I'd been to Rizal Street for some time and moved to Occidental Mindoro State College area and stayed there for almost a year. Now, preferably back to my origin: Municipal Gym Compound, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. It is now easier and more accessible for everyone to come and visit.

One major problem when you have a small business in a "business district area", more likely the tendency of having brownouts is high. This is due because- as an island, we only operate electricity thru diesel barge. Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative (OMECO), assumed that the business district is capable of surviving thru generators. That's one thing i never looked-at. Sad story?

Here's more...

Being in a school area, the problem would be not of customers but the traffic. Additional circumstances and a problem for some is the "ONE WAY" street sign. For some, they will never re-consider of turning and circling 3blocks just to get thru my shop specially if they can find same services from a two way lane. And a parking space is a big part of it. My mistake!

So, think of my experience.
Consider your location not just in it's surrounding community but more on accessibility and those minor aspects that is most important to customers.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Present

Well... it's not really but I would consider this as present from Mr. Fulghum.
Once again, another great story. Uncommon yet so natural and I am a follower of his inks ever since.

September 18, 2009

Seattle, Washington - where it’s cooler, with clouds, and shorter days . . .
Written September 16, 2009

A true story.

Here’s the first frame of a short video:

There is a shiny black Mercedes sedan - with flashy chrome wheels - a car so new that the dealer’s paper license plate is still pasted on the inside of the back window. It’s parked a little far out from the curb - in the three-minute loading zone in front of a downtown office building.

Just ahead of the front fender of the Mercedes is a beat-up green Ford pickup truck. It’s piled full of used lumber. The truck has almost run a red light, stopped, and backed up to clear a pedestrian zone. The driver didn’t notice the Mercedes and hit the sedan’s wing mirror, mashing it back against the side of the car.

Roll the video . . .

As I walk out through the door of the office building, the sharply-dressed young Black man ahead of me screams: “OHMYGOD MY CAR, MY CAR!” and runs out onto the sidewalk toward the two young Hispanic men getting out of the pickup truck.


What the young Hispanics shout back I do not know. They shout back in Spanish - something about the young Black man’s mother and sister. Probably not complimentary.

Out of the knot of pedestrians who have stopped to watch the violence unfold, moves a matronly Latina lady. Recklessly she steps into the explosive space between the young men. “This could be ugly,” I think.The Latina lady smiles, takes the young Black man gently by the hand. He, too surprised to resist, follows her as she leads him over to his car’s mirror."Look," she says, “It’s not broken or even scratched, only folded.” And she snaps the mirror back in place. Folds it back again, snaps it back in place again. “They’re made to do that, you know. It’s alright now.”

“Well I . . . well I . . . well I . . .” stammers the owner of the car.

The matronly Latina lady takes his other hand, smiles, and says, “By the way, they’re not cracker-assed sons of bitches. They’re chili-eating wetbacks who don’t speak much English. But they didn’t run away and they’re scared and sorry.”

She turns and speaks gently in Spanish to the two men from the pickup truck. They hang their heads. She speaks again. They smile. “Si, si, senora.” They get back in their truck.

She turns and speaks just as gently to the Mercedes driver.
He hangs his head and gets in his car.
The light changes and both vehicles drive away.
The sidewalk crowd moves off, maybe a little disappointed. No fight.

The Latina lady starts off down the sidewalk, with me following along thinking she must have touched the driver’s hearts and minds with words of great wisdom and loving kindness.

“That was amazing,” I said to the lady. “What did you say to them?”

She smiled. Placed her hand on my arm.

“It wasn’t very polite, senor. I’ve been around, you know. Mostly I said if they didn’t put their cojones back in their pants I’d call the cops on my cell phone and all three of them really wouldn’t want that, would they? Those two Mexicans probably don’t have papers, and who knows where that young Black macho man got the money to buy a car like that. You understand?
You saw what they did - moved on down the road in a hurry.
Nobody needs trouble. Nobody. You understand?”

Si, si, Senora.
One more score for a Wise Latina.

Author : Robert Fulghum




Tuesday, December 09, 2008


For the past years of experimenting between colors and lines for my graphic projects- now, i am certain that natural and earth colours never get out of fashion. Normal colors for the eyes. Acceptance isn't that hard regarding individual imagination. Colors-

"The science of color is sometimes called chromatics. It includes the perception of color by the human eye and brain, the origin of color in materials, color theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (that is, what we commonly refer to simply as light)."